How Long Is a Honeymoon? Deciding How Many Days Away Are Right For You

how long is a honeymoon
The average honeymoon lasts about seven days. Depending on your honeymoon destination, activities, budget, and, generally, your personal preference, it may be longer or shorter.

Is One Week Enough For a Honeymoon?

One week is enough for a honeymoon. You’ll have ample time to engage in your favorite activities, relax and bond with your significant other.

But it also depends on the kind of itinerary you have in mind, plus your interests and personalities.

For instance, adventurous married couples who’d like to hop from one country to another during their postnuptial vacation may find a week too short to indulge in and visit all the different locations.

In contrast, a couple looking only to visit one city and perhaps mostly stay indoors enjoying each other’s company may feel that one week is enough.

What Determines the Length of a Honeymoon?


The budget has a significant impact not only on wedding planning but also on how much time you spend on your honeymoon.

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For instance, if you have a big budget, you can comfortably take 12 to 14 days or even a month off for your honeymoon vacation. On the other hand, if your budget is tight, you may want a short break to avoid going broke.

It’s essential to do a thorough budget analysis to capture all the areas of your honeymoon. And whether you want luxury or a budget vacation, ensure you prioritize the most important things. 


Your preferred destination affects the length of your honeymoon. If you choose a far-off (exotic destination), you must factor in travel time and time required to adapt to the new environment.

For example, if the travel time is more than 20 hours, you’ll be tired when you get to your hotel room. So you need to add a day or night for rest and deal with the jet lag.

Therefore, adding at least two days is essential for travel time.

On the other hand, a close-to-home trip such as a few hour’s flight to the Caribbean or Hawaii may not require additional time to adjust.


Your preferred activities will also determine your honeymoon period. So whether you do a DIY itinerary or use a travel agent, ensure you have everything you need to know about your activities.


This will help you determine what to include and the average time to exhaust them.

If you’re a newlywed couple who loves to explore the outdoors, you’ll need more time than if you just wanted to lounge on a beach or enjoy each other’s company on date nights.

Activities like game drives, hiking, or island hopping require more time. This is because you’ll need time to travel between activities instead of when exploring one area. For instance, if you were in Hawaii and decided to island hop, you would need more than a few weeks to exhaust them all. But you can comfortably explore one island in less than ten days.

Time Off Work/Commitments

As you plan your honeymoon, consider other commitments such as work schedules, children, and daily life. If you want a more extended trip, consider a time when both of you are on leave.

Ensure you balance your vacation time with other commitments so you don’t feel stressed while on your trip. For example, going on a one-month vacation with children back home may not be ideal.

Also, if your work is not flexible (think armed forces or emergency services), you may have to work with a shorter vacation at a close-to-home destination.

How Long is a Mini-moon?

A mini-moon is a short honeymoon. It’s more like a long weekend getaway to a close-to-home destination. And it usually takes less than five days and happens right after your wedding day.

It’s the best option if you don’t have time for a longer trip or are working on a budget.

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How Long is a Mega-moon?

A mega moon is a long honeymoon vacation. It may last between one to three months and happens way after the wedding (it could be months or even a year post-wedding).

It usually involves luxurious travel to the best honeymoon destinations and can feature multiple destinations. It’s perfect for newlyweds with a bigger budget and lots of time to spare.

What Time of Year Is Best For a Honeymoon?

The best time of the year for a honeymoon depends on your destination. But typically, the shoulder season is always the best time because it offers discounted rates on flights and accommodation, and most places are not crowded. Plus the weather is usually good for travel.

While high seasons have the best weather in most places, you’ll have to contend with crowds and high rates. Low seasons, on the other hand, have low rates, but the weather may be unsuitable.

Here’s a general idea of the best time to visit different parts of the world.

  • Europe: The shoulder season falls between April-November
  • North America: Shoulder season is spring (April-June) and fall (September-early November)
  • Middle East and North Africa: The shoulder seasons May, September, and early October
  • Central America: December-April
  • The Caribbean: January-April
  • South America: January-May and September-December
  • West Africa: November-February
  • East and Central Africa: October-March
  • Southern America: December to February, September and October
  • Asia: January-May and September-December


Catherine, the hopeless romantic, planned her own honeymoon with her husband. It was fantastic. Since then, she’s always willing and excited to share tips on how to have the most memorable post-nuptial vacation.

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